With a little maintenance and care, a good pair of Goodyear Welted and full grain leather boots, could last for decades.

There are three basic concepts for the leather of our boots to last longer and in good condition: cleaning, conditioning and protection.


Why is it important to clean your boots regularly?

When using your boots in the field, it is expected that they fill with all kinds of dirt such as: dust, mud or sand. If they are not removed, these elements will absorb the fats and oils contained in the leather that will cause the leather to dry out prematurely and obtain a brittle touch, in addition to shrinking and losing flexibility. On the other hand, if we leave dust and sand on the surface of the boots, the particles will act in the same way as sandpaper, and will polish the leather, especially in the areas of greatest flex. That continuous friction will cause the fibers to break prematurely and the leather to crack.


How to clean leather boots?

Brush your boots regularly. If the dirt is very embedded, use a damp cloth to remove it, let it dry and brush until the leather has no traces of dirt. Brushing should be done with the leather dry. For roughout leather, use a special suede brush.

When the dirt is deeply embedded or the boot has been stained with oils or other elements that are difficult to clean, you can use special soaps for shoe leather. As a general rule, we will moisten the boots and, with a soft brush, we will apply the soap on the boots to clean them. At the end, you remove the dirt and soap residue with a cloth. Before applying any product, read the manufacturer’s use instructions.

Cuando la suciedad esté muy incrustada o se ha manchado de aceites u otros elementos difíciles de limpiar, podemos usar jabones especiales para pieles de calzado. Como norma general, humedeceremos las botas y, con un cepillo suave, aplicaremos el jabón sobre las botas para limpiarlas. Al terminar, retiramos la suciedad y los restos de jabón con un trapo. Antes de aplicar cualquier producto, leer las instrucciones de uso del fabricante.


Why is it important to keep the leather of the boots conditioned?

Leather is a natural element and, as such, you must keep it nourished and prevent it from drying out. The key is not to let the leather dry to the point of cracking. Leather is an extremely resilient material that, with proper treatment, can return to looking almost like the first day. Therefore, you must keep the leather properly conditioned at all times and not allow to reach to a point of no return of extreme dryness.


How to nourish the skin of the boots and what products to use.

We must regularly apply creams or balms to keep the leather of our boots conditioned and lubricated at all times. Apart the upper, the welt and leather midsole areas should also be treated, as they are also made of natural leather. The application of these products must always be done with the leather clean and dry. If the boot is damp after cleaning, you must let the leather air dry. Using heat sources on the leather can cause premature damage. To help dry faster, it is advisable to fill the inside of the boot with newspaper. In addition to accelerating drying without affecting the leather, it will maintain the shape of the boot.

There is a lot of discussion about which are the best products to preserve the leather in footwear. There is no consistent position when it comes to leather care by producers and dealers. What is recommended by some is discouraged by others. So, what product to apply to our boots?

From Skaapherder, we recommend using products with natural ingredients and avoiding, as far as possible, products that contain: silicones, petroleum derivatives and chemicals in general.

We use high quality leather for our boots, so we recommend using products from manufacturers recognized for the quality of their products. Among European manufacturers, brands such as Saphir and Tarrago stand out. These two manufacturers have a wide range of skin care products, we especially recommend their natural formulation ranges. There are also great products naturally produced in the US, like Obenauf’s or Huberd’s oils and Smith’s cream. These products, although their main function is not protection against external elements, they will provide protection to the leather to some extent.


Why protect the leather from external elements?

Although the products mentioned in the previous section on leather conditioning may be sufficient for dress shoes or shoes that are not going to be exposed harshly to the elements; On the other hand, for outdoor use and in demanding climatic and terrain conditions, we recommend applying specific products to protect the leather of our boots.

These types of products provide a protective barrier against the elements, both weather and terrain, for field boots. It is important to point out that, in most cases, the greater the protection from the outside, the lower the breathability of the leather. One of the benefits of using full grain oiled leathers is their great balance between exterior protection and breathability. By using too aggressive protectors, we could alter this balance that makes the leather stand out from other textile or synthetic materials, especially waterproofing membranes.


How to protect the leather of boots and what products to use.

We recommend using these protectors sporadically and in thin layers, with special emphasis on the seams for a better seal. It is better to apply the product sporadically but regularly than to add a large amount of product at once. A protective layer that is too thick could damage the leather, since it prevents the correct hydration and breathability of the inner layers, which could lead to rotting and internal drying of the leather.

As with leather nourishing products, protectors are also under constant debate and there is no clear consensus on which products should be used. In this sense, for the protection of the skin we continue to recommend products with natural ingredients free of silicones, petroleum derivatives and chemical products. In this field, we highlight the European brands Saphir and Tarrago, and the protectors of the American brands Obenauf’s Heavy Duty LP or Huberd’s Shoe Grease, although these last two mentioned are difficult to find in Europe.


Roughout leather care and maintenance.

The roughout leathers that we use in our boots are full-grain leathers similar to the ones we use in boots with smooth leather, but in this case on the inside. These leathers are highly resistant to abrasion and require less care than smooth ones. For its care, we recommend products similar to inferior quality leathers that also have exposed fibers, such as nubuck or suede.

The main care that this type of leather requires is regular brushing. There are special brushes for suede or nubuck that will remove most dirt from boots. Special erasers (similar to pencil erasers) are also common for suede leather, which help to remove more resistant stains. In last case scenario, there are also special soaps for this type of leather for a deep wash.

To nourish roughouts, the most common are protective sprays that include some type of conditioning ingredient. Although this leather requires less nourishing than smooth ones, it is convenient to nourish it from time to time. If you prefer to use creams or lotions instead of sprays, there are some light, neutral creams that can be applied, but they may darken or change the texture of the fibres.

Finally, the most widespread product for protection are the sprays already mentioned. In the last case, if you want to give extra protection, or if you are going to use the boots in severe conditions, it is possible to apply fats or waxes similar to those applied to smooth leather. However, the application of these products will permanently change the appearance and color of the roughout leather.


Storage of boots.

When we finish using the boots and after cleaning, it is recommended to use shoe trees, or simply fill them with newspaper, so that the boot retains its shape. They should be stored in places that are not exposed to sun’s rays, extreme temperatures or high humidity.

Extra bonus tip

If you are going to make a trip, excursion or trekking of several days with the boots where it is possible that they will be exposed to continuous rain and humidity and you don’t want to carry with leather care products; it is convenient to take with you a can of Nivea cream (the well-known metallic blue can). In addition to personal care use, this cream works very well and will save the leather of our boots if it begins to show signs of excessive dryness. In case you don’t take it with you, it is easy to find at any store or borrow it.

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