Discover Merino wool advantages in clothing.


Garments made with Merino wool are currently the only alternative to those made with synthetic fibres, for trekking and other outdoor activities. We do not include cotton clothing, since they are not suitable for this type of activity. Learn more in our dedicated to cotton garments for trekking. (link to article).

Merino wool has countless advantages over other fibres, including:

  • Its high insulating ability will keep you warm in cold conditions and cool in hot conditions. This insulating capacity will last even in wet conditions, since it is capable of absorbing up to 35% of its weight in liquid. It will keep the body warm even when damp, unlike what happens with synthetic fibres.
  • Its effectiveness in transferring moisture to the outside will make the skin stay dry. Due to its characteristics, wool quickly converts the liquid into steam, this steam is pushed to the outside of the clothing by the capillarity of its fibres.
  • It is odourless. One of wool’s great advantages over clothing made with synthetic fibres is its resistance to bad odours. Products made of synthetic fibres will quickly produce bad odours, even if they have antibacterial treatments. As a natural fibre, Merino wool will prevent the appearance of bad odours due to its molecular structure. This fact will help to prolong the necessity of washing the garments.
  • Wool is a natural and sustainable product. Merino wool is produced naturally by the sheep of Merino breed. It is an ecological and 100% biodegradable product, and It is easily recyclable for other uses. In addition, by requiring less washing, we contribute to saving water and electricity, which reduces the environmental impact and the emission of synthetic microfibers.
  • Merino wool is a very fine material. It will feel more pleasant against the skin than other types of wool. This fineness will provide great comfort compared to synthetic fibres.
  • Its keratin content provides great protection against UV rays. In addition, wool is a fire-retardant material.

When buying a Merino wool garment, it is important to check the composition label. Today, it is a common practice to refer to a garment based on a certain fibre that composes it (for instance, Merino wool) although this fibre may only represents a small percentage of the whole garment. Many brands, to reduce costs, use wool yarns mixed with other fibres, usually low-cost synthetic. At Skaapherder we only use the highest quality 100% merino wool yarns. We limit the use of other fibres in the production of socks for structural needs only (link to trekking sock in 3 steps) but we never make Merino wool cheaper by incorporating blends.

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